From February 2013 to June 2014 I was the Overall Event Organizer for Frankie 100:
Frankie 100 took place in New York City May 22nd to 26th, 2014. The purpose of the event was to celebrate and remember Frankie Manning, the Ambassador of Swing, by naming May 26th as World Lindy Hop Day. The festival brought together communities from around the world to celebrate the roots and origins of Lindy Hop and Big Band Swing.
“Swingin’ Frankie’s Way” at the Apollo Theater, NYC (10pm Show) on Thursday May 22, 2014
Yehoodi.com Presents “Live from Frankie100” on Friday May 23, 2014
Yehoodi.com Presents “Live from Frankie100” on Saturday May 24, 2014
Yehoodi.com Presents “Live from Frankie100” on Sunday May 25, 2014
Photography Safari Re-Cap
The Frankie 100 Credits follow here. Please take a moment to appreciate the hard working women and men of the event and don’t hesitate to let us know if we’ve accidentally missed someone!
Frankie 100 Credits
Aaron Malkin
“Adamas” Kangseok Kim
Adam Brozowski
Adam Lee
Adrian Cunningham
Adrienne Weidert
Akemi Kinukawa
Al Vollmer
Alain Wong
Alexandre Swidaneel
Alexandria Bradley
Alexandria Johnson
Alexis Davila
Alicia Vance
Allure Original Styles
Ally Martin
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, The Ailey School
Amanda Stock
Amanyiyea Payne
Amy Winn
Ana Luz Crespi
Anaïs Sékiné
Andrea Aviles
Andrea Cody
Andrea Gordon
Andrew Fritz
Andy Reid
Angela Andrew
Ani Novshadian
Anne Doward
Annie Trudeau
Aurelie Tye
Ballyhoo Graphic Design
Baltimore Bomdshell
Baltimore Music
Barbara A. Jones
Barbara Billups
Bärbl Kaufer
Barry Cooper
Bees’ Knees Dance
Bella Braids
Ben Hejkal
Ben Holness
Ben Rich
Beverly Ann Moore
Birgitta Östling
Bobby White
Bodo Wartke
Brian Hammerstein
Brian Lawton
Brittany Johnson
Bron Veale
Bryan Chung
Buddy Steves
Calle Johansson
Cara O’Sullivan
Carroll Music
Catrine Ljundggren
Cecily Perez
Chan Meng
Charlie Caranicas
Charlie Meade
Chazz Young
Chester Freeman
Chester Whitmore
Chloe Hong
Chris Lee
Chris Siebert
Chris Trubela
Chris Wells
Christina “Stina” Dallons
Ciana Skeete
Claudine Lee
Clyde Wilder
Cyle Dixon
Cynthia Millman
Damzels in this Dress
Dan Bianco
Dan Hermann
Dan Levinson
Dance Manhattan
Daniel Gorman
Daniel Newsome
Daphna Harel
Darcy Gervasio
Darlene Gist
Dave Madison
Dave Post
David Berger
David Dalmo
David Jacoby
David Madison
David Mudre
David Rubenstein Atrium, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts
Dawn Hampton
Deborah Huisken
Dena Schutzer
Dexter Jones
Diana Velasquez
Diane van Haaren
Dorina Alimonti
E. Moncell Durden
Eileen Jones
Eileen O’Donnell
Elijah Avraham
Elisha Friedman
Elliott Donnelley
Emelie DecaVita
Eric Goode/Bowery Hotel
Erin Stevens
Eva Waitzfelder
Evita Arce
Ewa “W” Burak
Fatima Teffahi
Felix Berghäll
Feorge Faison
Fiona Warner
For the Love of Pie
Francisco Nogueira
Frank Festa
Freddie Hendrix
Fredrik Dahlberg
Frida Borg
Frida Segerdahl
FROM Clothing
Gabriella Rosati
Gabriella Sibeko
Gabrielle Cangulo
Gaston Fernandez
Gaudi the Quaker Parrot
Geoffrey Holmes
George Faison
George Faison Firehouse Theater
George Gee
George Sullivan
Gordon Webster
Gregory Goode
Gretchen Fenston
Gunhild Carling
Hanna Lundmark
Hanna Ndiaye
Harlem Hot Shots
Harlem Jazz & Blues
Harlem One Stop
Harlem’s World Famous Apollo Theater
Harri Heinilä
Heather Flock
Heather Granger
Heidi Rousseau
Helena Norbelie
Herrang Dance Camp
Hilary Gardner
Hiro Yamada
Houston Swing Dance Society
Hurley Francois
Ihaab Syed
Iren Guraye
Isaac Ezer
Jack Jeffers
Jahmal Chase
Jamin Jackson
Jan Forsell (aka. “Fish”)
Janice Liong
Jason Hay
Jaye Ferrone
Jazzmeia Horn
Jeff Kaufman
Jeff Leyco
Jen Pringle
Jennifer Adams
Jennifer Hempel
Jennifer Jones
Jennifer Jones
Jenny Deurell
Jenny Shirar
Jenny Thomas
Jessica David
Jessica Lennartsson
Jessica Miltenberger
Jillian Maslow
Jim Thorpe
Jitterbugs Swingapore
Jo Hoffberg
Jodi Fleischman
John Dokes
John Jay College
John Simon
Jonathan Bixby
Jose Tello
Joseph Wiggan
Josh Lieberman
Joshua Robison
Josie Say
Joy Grad
“JPK” Joseph P. Kennedy Community Center
Juan Klappenbach
Juan Villafane
Judy Pritchett
Julie Cohen
Julie Kiraly
Junior Jitterbugs
Karen Amatrading
Karen Goldstein
Kenneth Norbelie
Kevin St Laurent
Kiyomi Kubo
Kristan Jackson
Kristan Jackson
Kristina Radke
Kyle Athayde
Lainey Silver
Lana Turner
Lance Benishek
Lani Barry
Larry Schulz
Lasha Shaw Korchynski
Laura Clarke
Laura Jeffers
Laurel Carpenter
Lauren Sevian
Lavay Smith
Leah Caplan
Lennart Westerland
Leslie Li
Lincoln Center’s Midsummer Night Swing
Linda Freeman
Lindsay Towle
Lindy the Lovebird
Lisa Josefsson
Lisa Schamis
Liz Gruening
Liz Niemer
Lucy Falkner
Lulu Yoshida
Lynn Redmile
Mable Lee
Malik McLauren
Mama Lu Parks Dancers
Mandi Gould
Manu Smith
Maputo Afro Swing
Marco Dietz
Marcus Koch
Margaret Batiuchok
Maria Agustina Correralo
Maria Coco Gracia
Marie Ndiaye
Marina Z
Mark Bonicillo
Mark Kihara
Mary Freitag
Mattias Lundmark
Max Pitruzzella
Melissa Dang
Melissa Solis
Merika C. Jones
Michael Blank Design
Michael Gamble
Michael Hashim
Michael Ingbar
Michael Jagger
Michael Romaniuk
Michael Thorner
Michelle Long
Michelle Smith
Mickey Davidson
Mike Roberts
Mike Thibault
Mikey Padroza
Milson Saidl
Mimi Liu
Mimmi Gunnarsson
Moe Sakan
Mohan Pakurti
Moncell Durden
Monica Andrade
Monica Coe
Mutsumi Gee
Nalla Kim
Nancy Sandberg
Nando Valoi
Naomi Uyama
Natalia Farrington
Nathan Bugh
New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center
Nick Buchanan
Nick Williams
Nicolás Speraggi
Nicole Lenzen
Nicole Zonnenburg
Nikolas Lloyd aka. Lloyd
Nina Gilkenson
Noël Simoné Wippler
Nordic Fields
Norma Miller
Ohan Lundblad
Olga Moiseeva
Omar Myers
Paola Aviles
Paulette BroCkington
Pauline Alexandre
Penelope Siraj
Pep Masip
Per Palsson
Peter Loggins
Peter Strom
Providence NYC
Rafa Bravo
Rafal Pustelny
Ralph Gabriner
Ramona Staffeld
Raphael Thomas
Ray Davis
Rebecca Decavita
Reesa Del Duca
Rehema Trimiew
Richard Durlach
Rico Dong Jin Lim
Rik Panganiban
Rikard Ekstrand
Rob Moreland
Rob van Haaren
Robert Klingfall
Rohan Sehgal
Ron Allen
Ron Parker
Russell Seargant
Ryan Calloway
Ryan Francois
Ryan Swift
Sabrina Ramos
Sakarias Larsson
Samuel Coleman
Sara Deckard
Sarah Deckard
Sasha Evie Anderson
Scott Cupit
Selen Sariel
Selena Kruse
Shannon Refvik
Sharon Davis
Shawn Rego
Sherry Yuan
Simal Siraj
Simon Selmon
Sing Lim
Skye Humphries
Solomon Douglas
Solomon Hicks
Sonny Allen
Stefan Huynh
Stephanie McLaren
Stephanie Robinson
Stephanie Taylor
Stephen Parrish
Steven Leigh
Steven Mitchell
Steven Wang
Stina Dallons Isaksen
Sugar Sullivan
Susan Glatzer
Susana Campesino
Suse Engel
Sylvia Sykes
Tai Heng
Tamara Pinco
Tami Stevens
Tamie Dale
Tamisha Anthony
Tammy Halaburda
Tania Palomeque
Tatiana Greene
Team Swing Mexico
Temple University Press
Terminal 5
The Alhambra Ballroom
The Apollo Staff
The Big Apple Lindy Hoppers
The Bowery Hotel
The Carling Family
The Central Park Staff
The David Berger Big Band
The George Gee Swing Orchestra
The Harlem All Stars
The Harlem Renaissance Orchestra
The Harlem Swing Dance Society
The Hudson Hotel
The Kyle Athayde Dance Party
The Moose Maniacs
The Northern Lights
The Shiny Stocking Dancers
The Terminal 5 Staff
Thomas Blacharz
Thomas Liebmann
Thomas Wirke
Tia Andriani
Tiferet Nashman
Tim Collins
Todd Yannacone
Tony Jackson
Tony Tye
Valerie Salstrom
Vergie Branch
Vincenzo Fesi
Virginie Jensen
Voon Chew
Voon Wai
Welcome to Harlem
Whitney Marchelle
Willard Dyson
Wyatt Sloan
Wycliffe Gordon
You Should Be Dancing Studio
Yu Imaoka
Yuien Chin
Yvonne Conybeare
Zeona Murray
& Frankie Manning!
We’d also like to thank all the scene organizers around the world who put together Frankie 100 parties and have or continue to make donations to the Frankie Manning Foundation, as well as to Frankie 95 and all the other festivals who take the risk and responsibility of organizing celebrations and paying tribute to Frankie.
Please click here to view the official show program for The Show at Harlem’s World Famous Apollo Theater, Swingin’ Frankie’s Way. Apollo Program – Swinging Frankie’s Say
Didn’t make it to the event, or want to experience it all over again?
Check out the Yehoodi live stream here on:
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Global Frankie 100 Celebration Map:
Thank you to our friends & sponsors!